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Film review: The Darkest Minds

The darkest minds is the best action, adventure, sci-fi, romance, drama and thriller film ever. It was released in August 2018 and directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson. The theme of the film is fight against the sistem in the world. It is adapted from a book written by Alexandra Bracken, The darkest minds. it doesn't have the best rating on IMDb, but in my opinion, it?s the best movie ever.
It is set on Earth in the future. The main character is Ruby Daly, starred by Amandla Stenberg.
The adults are afraid of anyone under 18 years old, because they have special powers. The government puts those children in the camps and kills the most powerful ones. Ruby is one of them, but she pretends to be in the least powerful group. One night she breaks out of the camp with the help of the woman who works there. When she escapes. she meets a small group of people who also escaped the camps and together they are looking for a place where the children aren't in danger. Ruby joins them and with time she falls in love with Liam, the ''leader'' of the group. After a few weeks they find that place for children, but it's not what it seems to be. The leader of this camp for children tries to use Ruby, but she doesn' let him and raises a resistance.
The main charactes in the film are Ruby Daly, played by Amandla Stenberg, Liam Stewart, played by Harris Dickinson and Clancy Gray, played by Patrick Gibson.
In my opinion, this movie is great. I like the theme and genre of it, and the characters are also great. I also like that the film is full of special effects.My favorite scene is when Ruby and Liam kiss, but it's alsothe saddest scene. I would give nine and a half stars to this movie, because it is very good, it's just the ending that I don't like.
I would recommend this movie to everyone who likes sci-fi and action films, and also to the ones who like drama and romance films.

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