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Film review: Troy

Troy is a drama and history movie, directed by Wolfgang Petersen in 2004. It is adapted from Homer’s great epic Iliad. It’s theme is a war between the Greeks and Troyns and love between trojan prince Paris and Greek princess Helen. The story is settled in 1250 B.C. during the late bronze age. It is happening in an ancient city Troy, which lies at the coast of Turkey. Fight begins after Paris takes Helen, the wife of the king’s brother Menelajus to Troy and marries her. Menelaus asks his brother to revenge Helen and 50.000 Greeks attack the Troy. To destroy the Troy, which has never been destroyed before, king Agamemnon calls the best fighter in the world, Achilles, to fight for him. He agrees because he wanted to become a legend. Leader of the Troy’s defence was Hector, oldest king Priam’s son. My favourite scene was Achilles fighting Hector 1v1.
For me, best actors were Brad Pitt, playing Achilles, Orlando Bloom, playing Paris and Diane Kruger, playing Helen. They were truly amazing and natural. There weren’t much special effects, there were more great dialogues and battles.
I think everyone who likes history, action and drama, will like this movie and enjoy it. It is my favourite movie of all time and I love watching it again and again.
--Enej Meglič, 9.A

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