Preskoči na glavno vsebino

The next millennium

The topic of the report is "THE NEXT MILLENNIUM". A group of 23 people did the survey and they are positive about the future. Some of them think the world will be a better place in the future because we will become more intelligent or we won't have as many problems.
Most of the participants think that people in the future will be meaner because of social media, wars or they simply won't care for anyone except themselves.
The next question was about space travel and most of the participants said that it would be normal because we will have better tech and because most if not all of people will have enough of money or some other resources.
More than a half of people think that people will live on other planets because technology will be so smart or the Earth is already overpopulated and we already found planets to live there.
More than half of people think they will travel into space if they have the opportunity becase this is special, because they always wanted to go there or it's beautiful or they wanted to see planets in space.
Matjaž, Franc, Žan: 8.a

Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

My terrible holidays

I remember my last year's holidays. It was in summer. I was home alone so I invited my friends to come over. We decided to go to the swimming pool. Then it suddenly started raining! Afterwards we wanted to make some popcorn but there wasn't any. Rain stopped and sun showed itself so we went out. One of us had the idea that we should go to our river Mura. "So it be," we said. We took our bicycles, but I had a flat tire so I had to walk. I thought it couldn't be worse but then it started raining again. I waited under the tree and yelled to others: "Wait!" They didn't hear me. It was getting dark. I turned back and went home. Next day, when my family came home, I remembered that we are going to Italy. I grabbed my luggage and ran to the car. When we arrived to the hotel, I wanted to put my things out of my suitcase, but it was completely empty. I forgot to pack my things at home! I jumped on bed and wanted to sleep, but our neighbors were so loud. ...

Likovne pesmi (8. razred)

Namigi za branje - Nevidni meč

  A N T H O N Y         H O R O W I T Z NEVIDNI MEČ                                                              Alex Rider       Gospod Blunt     Skorpia      MI6      Tom      Stražarji      KRATEK OPIS Prebral sem še četrto knjigo za bralno značko. Ta knjiga je Alexa spravila na napačno stran, k Skorpiji. To je bila tajna organizacija, ki je sprejemala denar za najrazličnejše potege, ki so oškodovali svet.  Tokrat se je Alex napotil v Benetke na dvotedenske počitnice. V resnici je pa bil tam, da najde Skorpijo. Jasen mu je pred smrtjo rekel, naj v Benetkah poišče Skorpijo in odgovore na smrt njegovega očeta. Našel je ladjo, ki ji je sledil do zabave v eno od vil...