Preskoči na glavno vsebino

My Summer Holidays

On my last holidays, we went to Partorož to hotel Barbara. We traveled by car. We had to get up early at eight o'clock. Me and my dad packed the suitcases and we strarted the journey. We had to stop, so my mom and dad could get coffee. When we arrived, we went to our Hotel Room. We got ready and then we went to the pool. Me and my dad went to swim in the sea but my mom didn't want to. The dinner was at eight o'clock so we left the pool either at six or at seven o'clock. We walked to another hotel,because the dinner was there. When we finished the dinner,we went to take a walk. We visit some stores and we got ice cream. We went to bed late at about eleven o'clock. The last day, we packed suitcases and left the beach earlier. We drove to a restaurant where we ate. On our way home, we stopped for toilet and we came home at midnight I think. Oh before we left, I also bought some jewerly for me and my friends! I loved my holidays!
Nika Erjavec, 7.b

Foto: Ina Rojko

Last year, I was on two holidays: once in the summer and once in the winter. In summer I was in Turkey and in Croatia, and in winter we went skiing in Cerkno. We drove there by car, but also with plane. We arrived to our hotel. The beach was great and we swam a lot in swimming pools but also in sea. This year we are going in Egypt and I'm really excited.
Ina Rojko, 7.B 

Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

My terrible holidays

I remember my last year's holidays. It was in summer. I was home alone so I invited my friends to come over. We decided to go to the swimming pool. Then it suddenly started raining! Afterwards we wanted to make some popcorn but there wasn't any. Rain stopped and sun showed itself so we went out. One of us had the idea that we should go to our river Mura. "So it be," we said. We took our bicycles, but I had a flat tire so I had to walk. I thought it couldn't be worse but then it started raining again. I waited under the tree and yelled to others: "Wait!" They didn't hear me. It was getting dark. I turned back and went home. Next day, when my family came home, I remembered that we are going to Italy. I grabbed my luggage and ran to the car. When we arrived to the hotel, I wanted to put my things out of my suitcase, but it was completely empty. I forgot to pack my things at home! I jumped on bed and wanted to sleep, but our neighbors were so loud.

Likovne pesmi (8. razred)

Namigi za branje - Okostnjakov otok

  A N T H O N Y         H O R O W I T Z OKOSTNJAKOV   OTOK Alex Rider     Agent Crawrey      Sabina      Stražar      Alan Bunt General Sarov      Conrad      Agent Turner      Agentka Troyeva To knjigo sem izbral zato, ker so mi všeč kriminalke in bolj pustolovske zgodbe. V tej je veliko pustolovščine in zanimivih pripetljajev. Enako kot veliko mogočih načinov, da se misije najstniškega agenta Alexa končajo prehitro. Knjiga je zanimiva iz več vidikov, saj vsebuje vse različne teme in je večinoma razdeljena na 2 dela (misiji). Moje najljubše poglavje je, ko se reši iz prve misije in ga agenta pošljeta na dvotedensko misijo. Tam se stvari še bolj poslabšajo, saj je njihov skrivni vhod v resnici velika past, kjer umreta agenta, ki sta se pretvarjala, da sta oče in mama Alexu. Tam ostane Alex sam z človekom, ki je ilegalno naredil nuklearno bombo. S to bombo naj bi razstrelil ruske nuklearne podmornice in spravil svet v preplah. Vse naj bi zgledalo kot velika nuklearna nesreča in